David Eric Tomlinson (Author): Name Game

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Name Game

I'm currently working on three different short stories, and have just completed the first draft of another, and am realizing that titles are difficult for me to get a handle on.

When the idea for the story I've just finished originally came to me, I called it "Homecoming," simply because the story starts at a football game and is about a costume competition leading up the Homecoming football game in a small town. After that, it changed to "Skin In The Game" as the theme of the story developed over time. A few days before finishing it, I changed the title to "Student Body," as it's all about physical vanity and how an unhealthy attachment to that can drive others away from a person over time.

The others I'm working on are still being drafted, and have the following titles to date:

  • "Human Resources" - though I've toyed with calling it "Equal Opportunity Employer"
  • "Step Into Darkness" - which I may end up calling "Embracing the Void"
  • "The Contextual Importance of Eye Contact" (this one's done but too short and dark for me to submit anywhere at this point - I need to let it sit for awhile)
  • "Eat What You Kill"
You tell me (the five or six of you who visit this site each week, that is) - how do you come up with the titles for your stories or novels?


Annie Wicking said...

I normally wait until the story is finished before I name it, but sometimes when I'm playing around with its mini synopsis at title pops into my head.

My novel has had four title so far but I think this last one is the right title for it. We will have to wait and see what the publisher thinks of it when the time comes because they may change it.

Good luck with your stories, David

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